Guerra é guerra, conhaque é conhaque.
Que atire a primeira pedra, quem não se lembrasse logo das acçõezinhas com uma premonição destas...
«Senior sources in the Israel Defense Forces General Staff and field officers who took part in the war in Lebanon said on Tuesday that Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who went to his bank branch and sold an NIS 120,000 investment portfolio only three hours after two soldiers were abducted by Hezbollah on the northern border, cannot escape resignation ( ...)
"It was my portfolio of shares, on which I had lost NIS 25,000," Halutz told Maariv. "It is true that I sold the portfolio on July 12, 2006, but it is impossible to link that to the war. At the time I did not expect or think that there would be a war."»
[informação passada à nossa delegada Xangai Lina da secção import-export-centro da Mouraria]