Viagem shamânica a partir da Árvore da Vida- eixo do Mundo- descida ao sub mundo e ascensão, através do tronco da árvore, ao mundo do céu.
Vestes da Sibéria, século XIX: American Museum of Natural History, New York.
Shaman tree
you are the most wonderful tree on the earth;
Shaman tree,
they say you are the most beautiful tree in the world;
Shaman tree,
they say you are the goodness of an animal;
Shaman tree,
you embody all the spirits;
Shaman tree,
they say all the people's lives are tied together in you;
Shaman tree,
they say you preserve among your beautiful branches people's fortunes;
Shaman tree!
They say you give your healthfulness to the animals;
Shaman tree!
They say you give children a happy life;
Shaman tree,
sacred tree.
Kenin-Lopsan, Mongush B., Shamanic Songs and Myths of Tuva, Budapest, Hungary. Akademiai Nyomda, 1997.
The Flying tiger
Vestes da Sibéria, século XIX: American Museum of Natural History, New York.
Shaman tree
you are the most wonderful tree on the earth;
Shaman tree,
they say you are the most beautiful tree in the world;
Shaman tree,
they say you are the goodness of an animal;
Shaman tree,
you embody all the spirits;
Shaman tree,
they say all the people's lives are tied together in you;
Shaman tree,
they say you preserve among your beautiful branches people's fortunes;
Shaman tree!
They say you give your healthfulness to the animals;
Shaman tree!
They say you give children a happy life;
Shaman tree,
sacred tree.
Kenin-Lopsan, Mongush B., Shamanic Songs and Myths of Tuva, Budapest, Hungary. Akademiai Nyomda, 1997.
The Flying tiger