—Penca [Português/do Brasil]
João Penca e seus Miquinhos Amestrados
Já tem uma Penca de filhos e tudo...
—Penca [Espanhol]-
3-LA PENCA – Mezcal [Penca is complemented by the presence of two Agave grubs (worms), rather than the traditional one.In the 19th Century, aristocrats had a special preference towards Mezcal, it was known among them as The Cognac of Mexico, because of its unique flavour and exquisite softness.]
—Pif [Francês](il a un pif)
Pif le Chien (Pif Gadget, dans les kiosques de notre beau pays. Le magazine mythique qui se vendait toute les semaines à des millions d’exemplaires dans les années 1970 renaît donc de ses cendres, avec un rythme mensuel)
Le Pif Impérial, Alfred LE PETIT (1841-1909) [Supplément du journal La Charge n° 6, septembre 1870. Lithographie polychrome.BPU, Fonds Jules Perrier]"T’a encore l’temps d’ faire ton nez, mon bon homme, si tu crois r’venir a Paris, tu peux t’fuiller".
Pif Paf Puf (Wieczór teatralno-cyrkowy wg "Szafy Oberiutów"Daniela Charmsa, Mikołaja Olejnikowa i Aleksandra Wwiedienskiego)
—Long nosed [Inglês]
Long nosed butterfly [Fish; Hawaiian name:Lau wili- nukunuku oi oi; Size: Grows up to 8 inches; Diet: small reef crustaceans and- invertebrates ] 8-
The Long Nosed Stranger at Strasburg' in Tristram Shandy, George Cruikshank, (London, 1832)[a stranger with a very large nose passes through the town of Strasburg and sets the townspeople on their ears. The people are aflame with curiosity about him and about his nose; all of his gestures are carefully noticed and commented upon. He mutters to his mule and refers to an unfortunate affair with "Julia."]
Long nosed monkey [Proboscis monkeys have the longest noses of all primates. In elderly animals, it can reach 17.5cm (a quarter of the body length) Although its function is not known for sure, it is likely to be a visual signal used in mate choice. The male vocalises through the nose with a kee honk sound].
e nem um dos outros para amostra...
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